Sep 24, 2012

Happy Fall Ya'll!

 Found this at Craft Warehouse - it almost looks like little skillets instead of pumpkins.
Hungry horses - waiting for supper. 
 I found these leaves and acorns too.  We are in the process of painting the door - I think we should go really dark - ideas and comments welcome!
These all came from our little school greenhouse. 
 Joshy's maple tree has turned just this last week.
A pumpking has invaded my herb bed.   
 The squash are still going strong - we have been freezing lots.  I love squash!
This year I planted my tomatoes and peppers with flowers - they all did pretty good.  The marigolds are taking over here.  
 Lighting wasn't great but the flowers are so pretty this time of year. 
God's beauty always amazes me. 
 I almost missed the rainbow.
The clouds are hanging low over the mountains.   
 And here you can't see it but there is a dusting of snow way up high on the top of several peaks!  Fall is here.

I love summer, it's always hard to let it go.  We've had a hot, dry one and the cooler days make it easier! I love fall too, but it's bittersweet now!
 School's been going for almost 5 weeks, the new little ones are settling in. 
Dad had his checkup today, he's doing fine - can't lift over 10 pounds for several months - yeah right, you tell the ol' cowboy that! 
DH has the horrible stomach bug right now - we're washing and cleaning everything - hoping that no one else gets it. 
My sweet s-i-l is over half way thru her radiation - so far no side effects!  We are gonna have a big party when she is done!  Praise God it hasn't been worse, she's getting her appetite back and feels almost normal again! 
God is watching over us, He's still in control even if the world thinks it is, and even with all the "wrong, bad, awful" things our country is doing - we are still free to worship Jesus! 
Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a likin' to ya'
God Bless
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Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Your flowers are beautiful! Love your fall decorations too...I thought they looked like little skillets too! ha ha
Glad to hear your dad and sis-in-law are doing good.
Your door...I'm kind of a crazy~wild color kind of gal~I would go with barn red...or get crazy and go turquoise! That would look awesome with the dark color!!
p.s. I love your deck...I want to come visit and drink coffee and absorb the gorgeous mountain view!!!

Rachel said...

Wow, it looks gorgeous around your place with all those flowers, and mountains in the distance!!
Glad to hear things are better for your family!
I'm with Les, get some wild color going, I say turquoise! (You may think we are nuts, which I'm okay with, because I prolly am really nuts.. really?)

Love all the pictures!!

Countrygirl said...

Thanks gals! Ya'll are always welcome to come sit on the porch! I think dH would go for barn red but not the turquoise, ha! He's a "why not keep the walls white" kinda guy.

Ranch wife said...

Love all the pictures! Wish I was there.


Paula said...

Hey Friend! Your views are incredible and I agree with Les . . . coffee please! I'm more of a rust red gal or even burnt orange. But I love, love, love mustard yellow! Post a picture when you paint it!


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