Dec 4, 2012

Door frame, wreaths and Eli J

Here's the top of the door - we took wide crown molding, wood burned it, stained it and then put it on.  It looks so much better than the other one. 
 A view from the downstairs coming up. 

Here's one of the wreaths - I really like this stuff.  It seems to withstand the weather well - which in this country is a good thing.  This is a light blue/aqua color.

A friend and I did a local craft show and God blessed us both. We have another one this weekend.  I had to reorder supplies and hope they get here on time! 

 Here's the purple one, I only had one roll of it - if I can get back to the city, I need more of this color - it's a great seller!

 Dark blue

Close up of light blue

Driving Eli J - he's coming along so well.  He's is very light headed, and we'll probably only use a hackamore on him. 

The last picture I was trying to get his lips moving, he doesn't pitch a fit when he gets stubborn - his lips just start going pretty fast.  We want him to "want to" do what we're asking.  It's easier on all of us that way.  If we could understand what he was saying, he would probably have to eat soap.  Ha.  He hasn't bucked super hard yet - hopefully he won't.  DH and I are too old and the ground is TOO hard to be hitting it.  He's really grown the last few months and may get to 16 hands.   I'm getting excited to see what the Lord has in store for us with him.  He'd make a great heading horse - and I love to head! ;-)

Happy December! 

Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a likin' to ya'.
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1 comment:

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the door frame. That is so cool!!! Looks great.

What a fun time to be with friends at craft show! That purple wreath is a GREAT Kansas State Wreath! lol

love the horse...praying that he comes along just fine with no BIG bucks! I agree, ground is too hard to hit ;)
Take care!!

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