Jan 5, 2013

Happy New Year! (brrr...)

 Can you see Billy Boy in this picture?  I was playing with my camera. 
 Cleaning the front deck - again.  This time I stayed inside and took pictures.  We got over 24+ inches in the 3 storms - woohoo!
 Back deck - I had cleaned this off after the first two storms, this is after the 3rd.
 Looking off the back deck.
 Trying to get a picture of the beautiful moon - DH and I got to have a night away.  It was quiet and relaxing!
 Eli J with ice crystals above his head.
 Yeppers - that's our front yard.
The path to the hay - it's settling some, but the snow is still pretty deep.  We've had below 0 weather for several days, -22 was our coldest night - brrr. We are supposed to get above freezing Monday.  I am concerned about Miss Liza - our old mare - she won't stay in the barn, but we put hay out and she'll lay in it.  Eli J loves the snow - goofy horse. :-) On a sad note, one homeless lady in town died of exposure - so sad.  They tried to get her to come to the shelter - but she refused.  Another disabled man fell walking home after work on New Year's Eve and they didn't find him until the next day!  May God bless the needy and hurting in our country. 

My New Year's resolution - to be more about His business in every aspect of my life.  I think if I do that - everything else will take care of itself
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Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

WOW, now that is some snow! How wonderful. So sad about the ones in need. We have a lady in our town who lives in her car, pray for her often. I go and run in town at 5am with some friends and we see her all the time, different places, sleeping in her car. Breaks my heart.
Have a good weekend!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sure I have never seen that much snow in my life! Wow.
I feel so bad for those that are homeless, especially when it gets sooo cold.

Ranch wife said...

Praise the Lord for that snow! How sad for those poor people. So many like them in this world.


Unknown said...

Oh my, do you always have these tons of snow? I’m glad we haven’t had that much on our deck ’cos I haven’t stained it yet. Have you? I guess it would be the best improvement you can do, especially if you like a new look for it. ;) -->Kylee

Unknown said...

Oh my! More than 2 feet of snow! It’s just sad to read about the lady and the man. : ( I hope this year will be less stricken with calamities.


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