Dec 3, 2013

I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart, I will enter His courts with praise.....

How can 8 pounds bring such immense joy to so many lives?  Only the Lord knows the answer to that question.  He brought to us a beautiful, healthy granddaughter in November and forever changer our lives.  Nonni and Poppy are thrilled, humbled, and smitten beyond our wildest dreams!!!!

The kids lived in a 5th wheel camper moving from drill site to drill site, I wondered how a baby would change all that.  Praying for lots of things, I prayed for God to provide something stable for them.  In October they were moved to a new site - DS worked one day, and had 6 days off, worked 4 days and was off indefinitely.  He camped at the office until they gave him another drill site - but it was temporary too.  He is a hard worked, he likes to work hard, but he also wanted stability for his family.

As the baby got closer to delivery, DDIL stayed with her folks and DS stayed in a hotel.  On days off he cut wood for us and her folks.  One day while passing the ranch he worked summers on thru high school - the manager flagged him down.  He had bought his own ranch, over the mountain.  He was going to still work on this one - but wondered did DS want to run the other ranch?  What a blessing!  He knew it was a huge pay cut, but this was his first dream for jobs.  And for this man to choose DS to run his personal ranch - made him feel very good.  They crunched some numbers, and decided if they were smart, they could do it.  The day the baby would be born, he'd turn in his 2 week notice.

We started moving them out to their new place.  What a beautiful ranch.  It's between two mountain ranges.  They are miles from anyone, no TV service, no phone service, 57 miles of dirt roads one way and 20 the other way.  When the  snow flies they will have to go quite a long way around to get in and out.  Poppy signed them up with the air ambulance the day they took the job.

Little Miss was born - healthy and happy. Look how beautiful her momma looks right after having her, and look at her looking at Nonni at 2 hours old!
 She's a wonderfully happy baby.  She only cries if she's hungry.  She's a super good baby, spoiling her folks.  Nonni loves to sing and rock her.  She was born with long hair - blondish, brownish with a tint of red!  Her name is Joshi!
Yep those sweet kids named her Joshi and it fits her perfectly!  
Her bedroom in the new place is all fixed up, going from a 5th wheel to a huge house has been a challenge - they don't even know where to start.  They're getting it fixed up nice.  DS has been getting lots of riding in too.  DDIL can start helping him in 2 weeks, we told her we'd teach her how to rope -  he's had a lot of sick calves.  Cold weather, snow, hot weather.  He has 3 young horses, plus he'll be taking my 4 year old.  

I want to get them some guineas and chickens, maybe a peacock or two.  They have 2 good dogs.  

This is Thanksgiving Day.  We spent it with them - it was terrific!  Sometimes God amazes me how out of the blue He changes everything around - and yet when you step back -  it was always in His plans!  

Hope and pray ya'll had a blessed Thanksgiving.  DDIL's folks are both fighting cancer - they just found her momma's in the last month.  This last year of saying goodbye to so many people, having family and friends fighting sickness, cancer, etc, we have come to realize just how incredible our God is.  This life is not nearly as important as we think it is.  What is important?  Jesus.  If you know Him, how you live for Him.  How you tell others about Him.  What you do to help the orphans, widows, less fortunate.  Four friends and I are doing Beth Moore's Bible study 'Daniel' - I would highly recommend it to anyone who truly wants to see this world as it really is and seek God.  It's touched me so deeply.  

Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a liken' to ya',


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

So so happy for you and your family~that baby girl is absolutely precious and I love her name~
Sounds like you have been b.u.s.y. Praying for your DIL's folks. Wow. Wishing you a Very Merry Christmas and a BLESSED New year.
p.s. You sure look purty holding that sweet baby Joshi!!!!

Rachel said...

So happy for the whole family!!
Hope things are still going well! Blessings to all! :)

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