Dec 16, 2008

Do you see what I see?

Howdy! Do you see those around you being more Christ-like?
We went to Boise for the weekend with B and his wife. It was very nice. Our favorite eating place is a Japanese steak house - they prepare the food in front of you. It's so yummy! We took them there - it was nice to be anonymus for awhile. Dh and I went to my aunt's and took her to lunch and then we did some bargain shopping. It was fun to be with her - she's a widow and gets lonely.
Saturday night we went to the mall where I met a sweet little gal - Zlil. She's from Israel and we just clicked with her immediately. She was amazed that I could say her name - not being Jewish - and that we knew things about her homeland. This was such a blessing to us. I hope to go to Israel someday and see her again.
Then we hit the worst snowstorm of the year - so far! Wrecks everywhere, but the Lord protected us and guided us safely home.
It's been a very LONG three weeks - but Jesus our Savior provides all our needs. DH went and met with the family of the boy who was killed, they were very gracious. They are struggling financially. Dh's mine may have a job for the dad - which would help them out. It will be a very hard Christmas for all involved. So my prayer is for peace to fill their souls, strength to face the reality, and faith to see them thru.
May we all find the true meaning of this season - CHRISTmas!

PS - Les, my "pass it on" challenge has taken another turn. I spoke with authorities who said one of the horses had to be put down, they are watching the others 'carefully'. When I told the undersheriff I had taken hay over because they didn't have any, he assured me he would find out why they aren't being fed and watered.
3) My aunt lives by a sweet little lady who survived the Holocaust - still has a bullet in her back - but she watched her family murdered. She barely gets by on what SS that comes in. My aunt buys her groceries when she can - we are going to send money to my aunt - then she can buy more groceries or whatever this lady needs. Thanks again for the challenge!

1 comment:

Ranch wife said...

I think those ideas are great. I am so glad that yall can minister to that family. What a hard hard thing they are going through right now.

Love ya,


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