Mar 27, 2012

Nomad...that's what I am...

We have been on the road more than we have been home the last three months. We are feeling like our home has 4 tires. My dear s-I-l has cancer, confirmed in January. She chose SLC for her treatments. It has been a little rough this last month...5 biopsies, 3 half day long MRIS, 1 surgery, and now chemo, then radiation. We have tried to be there for them as much as possible. The next 7 months will be something new for all of us, especially Y. We can do ALL things thru Christ who strengthens us! Prayers are being lifted to Heaven and we are believing in a full recovery.

Spring is trying to get here. We had snow again yesterday but it's warmer today. I see daffodil and tulips breaking ground, as well as green grass shooting up. The new babies in the pastures are a beautiful sign as well!

Spent the weekend on the road to drs in SLC, Idaho to see my sister, folks, a wedding, brunch, and a birthday party It was good to see everyone - old family friends.

Glory in His holy name, Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord... Psalms 105:3


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Wow. Sounds like you have been busy. I want you to know I am believing with YOU and your family for complete restoration of good health for your s-i-l. Jesus died for us to be WELL~not accepting any sickness the devil wants to throw at us. I pray for her to have complete peace and strength. May her family experience the same. AMEN!
Take care! Thinking of you...and your family!

Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Oh yea...

Psalm 91...for you, s-i-l and others! Declare it.

Countrygirl said...
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Countrygirl said...

Thank you so much, Les!

How is your dad doing?

Countrygirl said...
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Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

My dad is doing pretty good. A little slower recovery than he would like~but doing ok. It has just been 4 weeks..tomorrow. He's lost a lot of weight and we are just wanting him to get back on his feet and gain a few pounds!
Thanks so much for asking about him. Have a good rest of the week.

Ranch wife said...

Sounds like life is hectic. Praying for Y. May the Lord reveal himself to her and her family and bring complete healing. I agree with Les, Psalms's 91 it is a good one to stand on when times are hard.

Love you


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