May 6, 2008

Where's my camera?

Work days for me are a 32 mile one way trip down the highway, but every now and then something amazing happens. Yesterday, it was a pretty lonely road. (Really, God brings special little things to me all the time.) I'm driving, singing to the SOS radio I have on (excellent Christian radio station). I see something off in the distance - I think it's one of those long whip antenna's - all the miner's trucks have them. So as I get closer, the "thing" gets bigger. I then think maybe it's a bicycler. Nope, it's too thin. What is it? I am wracking my brain and straining my eyes because I'm coming up on it pretty fast. Then I realize it's an antelope, a young buck, who is running right in the middle of my lane - right at me. As I get closer I start to slow way down - he just keeps coming. He's not paying me any mind and I imagine him jumping in the front seat with me - thru the glass! So I beep the horn - I stop, he stops! He looks right at me, about 10 feet away from me. He then looks around, like he was trying to figure out, "How'd I get here?" And up over the fence he goes. Just when I needed my trusty camera - I left it home. Oh well, God blessed me with the little incident anyway. Didn't see one single antelope on the way out today!


Anonymous said...

LOL! That is too funny!

Ranch wife said...

What a hoot. And the pits about the camera.
Mine finally quit. I need to get another and will eventually. Sara has two so I borrow when I need to.

That David, how sweet. Those are the most special gifts, the just because, one's. Give him a hug from me and tell him that is for just being a sweet and loving man to his wife and his sis-in-law.
Love ya

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