Nov 3, 2008

Late fall in the high desert

DS and I were walking the dogs last week when the geese flew over. You can barely see them in the dark picture above the trees. Then I was walking the next day, here they come again.
Our geese stay here for the winter - these batches fly out to the ranches around us where there is water. At night they fly back to the Marina down the road. Some times, never when I have my camera, they fly right next to our back deck - even with me. There is something peaceful about their calls, about the way they fly, making sure the weaker one is taken care of.

Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns,
yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?
Matthew 6:26


Ranch wife said...

When I was little I remember standing out in the wheat field in the late fall and hearing the geese and watching them fly overheard. I love to listen to them as well. I saw some the other day...but they were so high that you could barely see them.

Wonderful pictures


Paula said...

A geese call is kinda like the sound of a lonesome train whistle -I hear both regularly and it is a sound that sorta settles the soul. One of my favorite movies is "Fly Away Home".

Anonymous said...

I changed my name to ranchgirl85. Some one posted my link on a discussion website, and I don't know who it was. That kinda freaked me out some... I don't like having my link for all the world to see. Anyway, just wanted to let ya know! :)

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