Jan 18, 2012

Soap box Wednesday

Ranching Momma, if you happen to read this, for whatever reason I can't post on your blog and just wanted you to know that we are lifting you and your family up to the great Comforter.  I'm so sorry. 

The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray. Proverbs 12:26
"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends". John 15:13

How many friends do you really have?  Can you count on them all?  I mean the close ones who know all your shortcomings and still love you. 

We had a fast and furious couple of days over the weekend - taking a whirlwind trip. I left messages, called and emailed a few friends and family members who we wanted to touch base with.  We did meet up with several, but the rest didn't bother to respond.  Not sure if I should be angry or hurt - or both! 

What do ya'll do when friends and family disappoint you?  Do you steam about it for awhile - letting that wound fester up into a bigger wound?  Do you talk with the people and see what is up?  Do you just ignore it and forgive them?  

Through the death of Joshua we have learned to not fret the small stuff, and unless it's against God's principles - it's all small stuff.  But...we, I - don't let things that are important or hurtful slide either.  Sometimes that means ending relationships that are harming your walk with Jesus, other times it means prayerfully letting that person(s) know what they are doing is against the will of God. At times there are circumstances beyond everyone's control.  Our friends and family will let us down.  We know they will, for there is only one who will never disappoint...and that is Jesus! 

Take time to let those you care about know...it may be exactly what they need! We are not promised one more minute, hour or day!  If that still small voice tells you something - listen!  

Until we meet again, may the good Lord take a likin' to ya'


Cow Pies & Mud Pies said...

Amen sister. I am trying NOT to sweat the small stuff, be joyful and thankful ALWAYS...but it's hard to not be disappointed. I'm sorry to hear that people didn't even respond...too bad you weren't in KS...you could have come right on over!!

For some reason I can comment on your blog, but I can't comment on most of the others...So Ranchin momma...I have not forgotten you, I'm praying for you and your family!

Have a wonderful week!

Rachel said...

Thanks SO much for your thoughts and prayers!!!!

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